MICE and the Fifth Industrial Revolution

Embracing AI's Revolution For The Events Industry With M&I…

It was great to be asked to train the attendees of the M and I Forums event in London in May.
And get them thinking more about the future of work, technology and AI. The MI Forums are renowned for connecting the MICE industry through world-class events.

MICE is an acronym that stands for Meetings, Incentives,Conferences, and Exhibitions. It refers to a sector of the tourism industry that organises, manages, and hosts events for business or academic purposes.

At m&i,they are all about connecting the MICE industry. Their global in-person and digital events bring a community of buyers and suppliers from all over the world together to do great business. And so a sector full of data and ripe for disruption (akin to the Eura Relocation event I was asked to keynote this year as well.)

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My job for the London delegation was to train each of the senior executives from over 50-different companies in how AI is changing the healthcare landscape and the MICE sector too. And potentially their jobs in the future. So, the biggest thing for us to consider was…

What does the future hold for AI, and how will it shape ourlives?

This is the inspiration for this blog. As we navigate through the fifth industrial
revolution, questions like these become more prevalent. Just think, how often
do you use AI tools like chat GPT? Maybe monthly, weekly, or even daily. The
landscape of AI is rapidly changing, and it's transforming the way we interact,
learn, and live.

Most of us arefamiliar with the 80-20 rule, where 20% of effort can bring 80% of results.
This principle now applies to AI transformation. It's not just about learning
new technologies but also adopting the right mindset. AI isn't just about
automation anymore; it's about intelligent data usage and emotional
intelligence. This revolution in industry demands a shift in our psychology as
much as our technology.

As I said in mytraining session for the delegates. The power of AI lies in data.Companies should focus on using their data effectively to create tailored AI solutions. This means that perhaps different LLM’s and AI models could be used that offer greater flexibility. And even the control over a company’s own data privacy and security.

Whether you'renew to AI or a seasoned expert, it's clear we're at a turning point. This is
Industry 5.0, an era defined by advanced intelligence and nuanced decision-making. And just like any revolution, the change is massive and fast-paced. As we journey through this, embracing the positive aspects of AI will prepare us to harness its full potential. So the question is, are you ready to embrace the future and make AI work for you?

The Future of AI: The Fifth Industrial Revolution

We’re living ina time of unprecedented technological change. The Fifth Industrial Revolution, driven by AI, is transforming how we live and work. Many of youmight be using AI tools like ChatGPT daily, weekly, or even just occasionally. Regardless, AI is becoming an essential part of our everyday lives.

Thistransformation can feel overwhelming. The rapid advancements make it seem like we are on the brink of a new era. And indeed, we are. This revolution isn't just about machines getting smarter; it’s about us utilizing this intelligence in ways we never dreamed possible. Just remember, the way you view AI – with excitement or fear – can impact how you use and benefit from it.

HarnessingAI Positively

When it comesto AI, a positive mindset can significantly influence your experience. If you
approach AI with enthusiasm and curiosity, you’re more likely to explore its
full potential. This perspective allows you to see AI as a tool that can
enhance your skills and productivity.

AI is not justabout automation; it’s about unleashing new levels of intelligence. This
includes emotional and organizational intelligence that can improve decision-making and productivity. So, stay positive and be open to learning. The Fifth Industrial Revolution is here, and it's an exciting time to be partof it.

Embracing Intelligent Technologies for the Future of Work

The Fifth Industrial Revolution is not just a buzzword; from my book The NEW Intelligence, it's asignificant shift in how we interact with work and technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in this new era. Unlike the purely digital automation of the past, this revolution focuses on leveraging complex data and intelligence. We're moving beyond basic computer functions to embrace the new intelligence, which incorporates emotional, independent, and organizational intelligence.

Just as it'sessential to understand AI's technical capabilities, it's equally important to comprehend its emotional facets. Machines now have the capacity to show emotional intelligence, and appreciating this fact can greatly benefit how effectively we utilize them.

For instance,user-friendly chatbots that empathize with human emotions are increasingly
preferred over human interactions in certain healthcare scenarios. This is
because they provide consistently positive experiences without any emotional
baggage, making them an attractive option for many.

WhyEmbracing AI is Essential

Understandingyour "why" is fundamental when integrating AI into your organization.
While increased productivity and improved customer experiences are clear
benefits, the deeper, more nuanced advantages are often overlooked.

AI cansignificantly enhance decision-making processes and foster creativity. For
instance, tools like mid-journey show impressive improvements in image
creation, reflecting broader advancements in other sectors like accountancy,
customer experience, and writing.

Current AItechnologies, including OpenAI's GPT models, offer unprecedented efficiency.
However, it's vital to choose the right tools. For example, the paid version of
GPT-4 is significantly more reliable and accurate than the free 3.5

Treat your AItools like interns; they require oversight and should be used responsibly to
optimize their benefits. This strategy ensures that the application of AI
aligns with your organizational goals and policies, maximizing its potential to
revolutionize the way you work.

The Shift inPerception of AI

The term"AI" once evoked dystopian images like Skynet from the Terminator
series, symbolizing fears of world domination and loss of control. However, our
understanding of AI has evolved. Today, AI is seen more as a practical tool,
enhancing productivity and improving customer experiences. Organizations now
prioritize questions such as why they should use AI rather than whether AI will
take over the world.

It's importantto identify your needs when integrating AI into your workflow. Do you aim for
increased efficiency? Do you want to offer highly personalized customer
interactions? AI can assist with all of these objectives by enhancing
decision-making processes, boosting creativity, and improving various
operational tasks.

AI's Role inDifferent Sectors

AI's impact isvast, touching various industries and functions. For example, in the creative
sectors, tools like MidJourney enable users to create sophisticated images with
simple prompts, dramatically improving the speed and quality of output.
Likewise, in areas like accountancy and customer service, AI has shown
remarkable improvements in productivity and service quality.

Different AItools excel in different areas. For instance, Claude is highly effective for
writing reports, while tools like Gemini are beneficial for coding tasks.
Meanwhile, Mistral is optimized for multi-language capabilities, making it
indispensable for non-English applications. Knowing which tool to use can make
a significant difference in achieving the best results.

By utilizingthese advanced AI systems, professionals can significantly enhance their
performance, whether in marketing, healthcare, or any other knowledge sector.
The evolution of AI tools provides an unprecedented opportunity to rethink work
processes, aiming for more innovative, efficient, and satisfying outcomes.

Horses forCourses: Adapting to the Changing Landscape of AI

In the early1900s, horses dominated transportation. They were everywhere, and it seemed
impossible to envision a future without them. Fast forward just over a decade,
and cars began to replace horses rapidly.

Thistransformation was swift and caught many by surprise. Similarly, the evolution
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is happening at a blistering pace. Unlike the
gradual shift from horses to cars, AI's advancement might not even take a
decade. Soon, the question won't be if you use AI, but why you aren't using it.

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As rightlypointed out by Daniel Priestley (above) AI is revolutionizing our productivity
levels. It's not a traditional computer; think of it more like an intern. It
needs guidance and oversight.

For example,OpenAI's free version, ChatGPT-3.5, is like a 16-year-old intern. It might
fabricate details and occasionally falter. In contrast, the paid version,
GPT-4, is akin to a 21-year-old intern—more reliable but still requiring
supervision. As AI continues to evolve, different models will have
distinct strengths. Always remember, it's about using the right tool for the
right task, just as different horses were used for different jobs.

Choosing the right AI is half of the battle…

AI is evolvingrapidly, much like how cars replaced horses in the early 1900s. Choosing the
right AI for your needs can transform your productivity and accuracy. After that it is a matter of using emotional intelligence (which I talk about in my book The Fifth Industrial Revolution) to get the AI to work at the best of it’s abilities. Like working with an intern. This is what some people are calling Prompting. And Prompt Engineering is the online courseI created.

Remember, it'sessential to stay informed about the latest AI developments and tools to stay
ahead in this ever-changing landscape.

AI Prompt Engineering: Transform your understanding of AI andunlock new creative potentials with our cutting-edge AI Prompt Engineering
Course. With all notes provided and a certificate of completion. And a special

About The Author

Keynotespeaking, corporate trainer, TedxTalker, and author. Ex marketing agency owner
and serial tech startup co-founder, Dan Sodergren is a digital marketing andtechnology expert who specialises in the future of work and AI. He works onthe BBC Breakfast, BBC new channels, BBC Watchdog, the One Show, RipOffBritain and on countless radio shows. He is a tech futurist and optimist. Who trains companies in how the future of work, technology and AI will change the world
for the better during this #FifthIndustrialRevolution.


1. Subscribe to The Future Of Work Friday - to get notified when a new issuecomes out. .

2. JoinDan’s next cohort for the AI Marketing Course, a results-driven online experience that will quicklyhelp you master the art of using AI for your marketing.

3. Youcan also connect with Dan on Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube and Medium.

4. Ifyou’re interested in any of Dan Sodergren’s books please go here.

5. Ifyou would like more info on his courses on LinkedIn and Prompt Engineering.
Please email us at info@greatmarketingworks.co.uk